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We’re dedicated to providing you with curated articles and interviews with highly credible people that oppose the mainstream media narrative on news, major events and what is happening in our world.

Each week, I will highlight a topic and present curated articles, interviews and videos by highly credible sources who refuse to tow the line with regard to the mainstream narrative. Even if you disagree, it is important to hear the “flip side” so that you can broaden the scope of understanding issues and make informed decisions about our world and our future. It is my hope and belief that if we truly approach subjects with the intent of bringing more love to the world through truth, we can transform this planet into the peaceful garden of Eden for all mankind that God certainly intended.

I hope and trust that you will find the blog to be informative and enlightening. I leave open commentary for any and all to agree or criticize.


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One of the most important topics today is Ukraine. Six months ago, you could have asked almost any American where you Ukraine is on a map and the name of its President and almost no one could answer. A country that has almost no national security implications for the United States has now become the focal point for potential Nuclear War.  This is the definition of insanity.  We are driven to only one side. You are either for Ukraine or you are Pro-Putin. NONSENSE! The following videos will hopefully present a side of the equation that no MSM outlet in the West presents. The interviews are with:

Acclaimed Producer Oliver Stone

The Former Head of Swiss Intelligence

Col Richard Black, Former Chief Legal Officer of the US Army and Decorated Vietnam Veteran

Dutch  Independent Reporter imbedded with Russian forces

Heralded former CNN, CBS war correspondent (and now silenced) Lara Langan

Zero Hedge Article on Zelensky Corruption



